Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sometimes Marie wakes up for a not-quite-midnight snack and gets a fit of the giggles.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

11 months

-Marie finally got her first tooth! It showed up right around Valentine's Day, so at ten-and-a-half months. She may be working on one or two other ones, but it's a little hard to tell for sure at this point.
Not the most flattering picture, but it's the only one where you can kind of see her tooth.
-She's getting better at standing on her own, and has stood for maybe 30 seconds as her personal record.
-Marie colored for the first time. If by "colored" you mean "drew on a Magna-Doodle with some guidance from her darling mother."
Her first masterpiece.
-We've taken Marie to the library plenty of times, but she's always been in the stroller and the trips have been quick ones to pick up items that were on hold for us. This month, I actually carried her to the library and let her crawl around the cubes and play with the books for 30 minutes or so. It was a nice change of pace.

Current likes:
-Marie loves taking my lunch sack out of my old lady teacher crate, as well as pulling other items out of it and dropping things in.
The old lady teacher crate.
-Her favorite toys right now are diapers. She'll pull them all out of the bag and carry and wave them around. Fortunately, she generally only plays with clean ones, but if we leave a used one on the ground, she'll make a break for it.
I think we counted seven diapers on the ground that she was playing with.
-She continues to enjoy playing with my name tag. This led to a semi-panicked morning when I couldn't find it when I was ready to leave for work one day. (It was under the couch cushions.)
-Marie likes being bounced and going outside.
-She loves to eat still! Favorites include carrots, bananas, pears, peaches, and bread.

Current dislikes:
-For a period of time this month, Marie developed a fear of being tossed in the air. But only when Jacob was standing up -- if he tossed her from a seated position, she was fine. She's seemed to gotten over this, though, and Jacob can toss her without her crying now.
Daddy-daughter bonding.
-She doesn't really like her jumper anymore, which is unfortunate. We'll put her in there if I'm making dinner or we're trying to clean the apartment, and she isn't a fan.
-On a similar note, she gets fairly clingy after I get home from work, and she doesn't like it when I put her on the ground if I'm trying to make dinner.

Who wants to be productive when you have a baby to play with instead?
Other odds and ends:
-Marie still doesn't know how to clap. I'll try playing pat-a-cake with her, but when I try to bring her hands together she'll shake me off and then grab my hands so I clap instead. She does this every time. It's pretty funny.
-Her sleeping has gotten a little weird this month. For a while we were putting her to bed between 6:00 and 7:00 and she would sleep for a couple hours, then wake up and not want to go to bed for at least another hour or two. One night she woke up multiple times while we were still awake, and I think it might've been because she was cold. So we've started putting her in a sleep sack on top of her pajamas again. Then yesterday we gave her a third mini-nap around 5 and then she went to bed around 7:30 and slept through the night.  Fingers crossed her sleeping gets back on track!
-I'm so over pumping. I've stopped pumping in the mornings if she's woken up to eat, and I've decided that when she turns a year old, I'm going to stop pumping altogether. I'll still nurse her when I'm home, but she can have whole milk while I'm at work. That's the plan, at least.
-For the most part, we've been limiting the pacifier to naps and bedtime for the last couple months. Sometimes when I get her out of the crib, she'll spit out the pacifier because she knows she's not supposed to have it when she's awake. Of course, this does not stop her from seeking it out if she sees it in the diaper bag.
-I'm sure this is entirely coincidental, but Jacob and I both clearly heard her say "yum" during dinner one night. It made us laugh. She says "mama" and "dada" but I'm not convinced she means us when she says it.
-Marie has really taken to sticking her fingers in our mouths. If her interest in prodding teeth and tongues continues, I'm sure she'll have a bright future as a dentist one day.

She pushed this toy into the bathroom and was quite pleased with herself.

She'll shove the entire foot of this ant into her mouth and carry it around like a chew toy. Which I guess it is, if she's teething.