Current weight: 20 lbs, 9 oz (~65th percentile)
Current height: 28 inches (~15th percentile)
Current head circumference: 45.3 cm (~50th percentile)
Marie has only gained 5 ounces and 1 inch since her 9 month appointment, so her growing has definitely slowed down.
-She celebrated her first birthday! On Monday we gave her a birthday chocolate chip cookie and yesterday at her family party she had her first cupcake. She destroyed them both.
-She drank whole milk for the first time this week. No more pumping at work for me! I've never felt so free!
-Marie had two more bottom teeth cut through in the last week or so. So now she has three bottom teeth and no top teeth.
-We've let her play in the grass at the park more often and she may or may not have attempted to eat a leaf. Or several leaves.
-She has finally started walking while holding onto one of our hands and has taken a step or two on her own. Marie is pretty balanced when standing.
-Marie has figured out how to open the bathroom door (it opens inward, so all she has to do is push on it), which means the toilet is no longer safe. On that same vein, she's discovered toilet paper. We're in trouble!
Current likes:
-Her favorite foods include pasta, yogurt, carrots, sweet potatoes, bananas, applesauce, turkey, ham, oatmeal, and bread.
-Marie likes being outside and swinging at the park.
-Marie has taken a much greater interest in books this month. This may be in part because they're more accessible now -- we acquired a basket to put all her books in, so she's able to reach them better than when they were on the bookcase. So she frequently pulls all her books out and turns the pages as she looks at them.
-She likes exploring the apartment, including finding minuscule crumbs and eating them off the floor, whether they're actually food items or not.
-Marie likes grabbing our hands and making us clap. She still won't clap herself. Silly girl.
-She likes getting tossed in the air.
-In addition to her regular toys, Marie has taken a shining to an empty wipes container. She likes to shake it and hug it like it's her one true friend.
-Marie likes chewing on the ends of our belts. Maybe it feels good on her gums?
Current dislikes:
-She hasn't been a fan of tart or acidic foods, like strawberries, clementines, tuna salad (with pickle relish -- she seemed to like plain tuna fine), and a sweet-and-sour type chicken dish.
-She's a little bit of a mama's girl, and when other people hold her she looks a little uncertain and tends to hold her arms out to me. But let the record show she doesn't cry when this happens! She really is the best baby.
Other odds and ends:
-Marie has started imitating us more and has gotten much more interactive with playing games. She was copying me playing Peek-a-Boo by covering her head with a blanket one day. We also took turns balancing cups on our heads.
-I've started letting her spoon-feed herself thick oatmeal (so it doesn't fall off the spoon when she inevitably turns the spoon upside down). I load up the spoon and hand it to her, and she hands it back to me when she's finished with it and wants more.
-Marie might have a patch of eczema on her knee. It doesn't seem to bother her too much, but it's still a bit sad.
-Now that I've finished a year of updates for Marie, I may be making this blog private again in the next few months. While there aren't any immediate plans for baby #2, when the time comes it'll give me a chance to document that process before we're ready to announce anything.