Tuesday, September 30, 2014

6 months

Marie is 6 months old today!

Weight: 18 pounds, 8 ounces (~80th percentile)
Length: 25.3 inches (~25th percentile)
Head circumference: 44.5 centimeters (90th percentile!)

Marie's weight for height ratio is basically off the charts. Chunky baby! 

-The day after she turned five months (and two days after she rolled from tummy to back), Marie rolled from back to tummy. And then she didn't roll at all for another three weeks. Lately she's been rolling from back to tummy much more adeptly, but she has a harder time rolling the other direction. This makes her so steamed when she's over her self-inflicted tummy time!
-She has a tendency to scoot backwards when she's on her stomach. If I put her on a blanket, it isn't long before she's off it. 
-When we went grocery shopping this weekend, we sat her in the grocery cart for the first time. It was short-lived, however, because she still can't sit unsupported and she looked pretty uncomfortable leaning against the seatbelt.
-Marie transfers objects between her hands. 
-She can put her pacifier in her mouth! Happy day! Sometimes she puts the wrong end in her mouth, but she seems to enjoy chewing on the hard plastic part as well. She has a harder time picking up the pacifier, but if we put it in her hands, it'll go straight to her mouth (until she pulls it out and plays with it instead). 
-We left Marie with a non-family member babysitter for the first time so Jacob and I could attend the Ogden temple dedication. We were a little nervous how she would behave, but she was awake for about 45 minutes and took an hour and a half nap and woke up right before we picked her up, so I think it went pretty well!
-We've done some half-hearted attempts at sleep training this month, and now we can usually put Marie in her bed wide awake with her pacifier and she'll put herself to sleep. She still wakes up at least once at night (and on really bad nights, more like four times), but nothing to complain about too much. 
-Marie had her first surgery yesterday, which is another post for another day. It went well, though, and other than being a little fussy, she's recovering nicely.

Current likes:
Playing with her toys, being held, sitting and standing with support, getting sherbets on her stomach, blowing raspberries. 

Current dislikes:
-Loud noises (a couple of times when she's heard another baby yelling/growling or Jacob has sung boisterously, her little lip will quiver and she'll start crying), being hungry, being tired.

-Sweet girl

Other odds and ends:
-We did a terrible job taking pictures this month, partially because the memory card for the camera was full so I had to delete photos before taking any more. I've since wiped the card so hopefully we'll take more this month.
-Marie is is size 3 diapers and I'm contemplating sticking her in 4s at night because she continues to soak through them on a regular basis. Including this morning, when I was feeding her and suddenly felt an unpleasant splash on my lap. 
-We're planning to start solids in the next week or so!