Marie turned four months old yesterday. Which means she'll be getting more shots at her appointment on Monday. This time, we are armed with generic infant Tylenol in hopes that she won't be Miss Crankypants like she was after her two-month shots.
Weight: 15 pounds, 8 ounces -- exactly 9 pounds heavier than her birthweight (75th percentile)
Length: 24 inches (25th percentile)
Head circumference: 41.5 centimeters (75th percentile)
-She can lift her head and chest for short periods of time during tummy time, which means she tolerates it a little better than she used to, though she still isn't a fan.
-She's started reaching for objects and trying to put them in her mouth. Her success rate is still hit-or-miss.
-Marie can track objects with her eyes as they're moved up, down, left, and right.
-We finally finished off the size 1 diapers and are solidly into size 2, but I'm a little nervous that she's going to outgrow them before we finish off the Costco-sized box we have.
-We pulled out the 3-6 month clothes yesterday since most of the 0-3 onesies were getting a bit snug on her. Some of those outfits look ginormous! I'm pretty sure the pants would go up to her armpits if we put her in them now. Despite Jacob's height, Marie isn't the tallest kid around. Yet.
-I haven't really spread this information around, but when Marie was born, her ears were pretty hairy. We're talking long, dark hair that fortunately blended in with the rest of the hair on her head. I'm happy to announce that this hair has finally fallen out! It was mostly gone by three months, but I wanted to wait until it had all fallen out before documenting this very important update for posterity.
-Marie went swimming for the first time with us this month. We had been holding off because we didn't want to buy swim diapers lest she was too small for them still, but we went with our friends and they let us borrow one and it fit just fine. She did really well! She wasn't a huge fan of being splashed in the face, but she didn't really fuss at all while she was in the water.
-We also took Marie on her first hike (a very short hike, but a hike nonetheless). She ended up falling asleep in the carrier, but she seemed to enjoy looking around when she was awake.
-We had free entrance to a Real Salt Lake soccer game, so Marie attended her first sporting event. Let's just say she wasn't a fan, especially of all the loud music. We ended up leaving early (after I had climbed over all the other people sitting in our row like six times because she was crying).
Current likes:
funny faces, being held in front of the fan, looking out the window, playing with her toys, standing with support
Current dislikes:
being put down for naps in the crib, getting her clothes changed, getting the crusty milk cleaned out from her neck folds
-The only one that's really stuck for the last few months is "Stinker." For the record, Jacob is the one who calls her that. Though I maaaay or may not have called her Stinkerpuff the other day.
-Super Soaker (she still spits up all the time)
Other odds and ends:
-She's started sucking on her lower lip, making her look either pensive or like a turtle.
-Marie tries to sit up when she's laying in her swing or bouncer. Work that core!
-She's still nowhere close to becoming mobile. Not that I'm in a rush to baby-proof or anything. Marie does love kicking and flailing her arms, though!
-Marie will lift one foot in succession when she stands on my lap. I like to think she's dancing. Perhaps a good ol' Irish clogging? She'll also swivel the upper half of her body to look all around her while she's standing.
-Her latest trick is blowing spit bubbles and drooling.
-For a period of time, her bedtime was getting later and later. After one night of her not falling asleep until midnight, I did some research and discovered that babies her age should be going to bed no later than 6:30 in the evening. So, you know, she was only going to sleep practically six hours later than she's supposed to. That night she slept from 4:15 in the afternoon to 8 in the morning, waking up 3 times to eat. We're still working out the kinks, but she seems to do better when she's put to bed between 6 and 6:45. She's having a rough time with naps in her crib lately and will scream once she's put in there. Alas. Maybe we'll ditch the crib idea for a little while and revisit it when she's older.
-She's started grabbing my hair, which means that I now wear my hair in a ponytail almost every single day.
-Marie will go several days without pooping and then have three blowouts and an additional two poopy diapers in a 36 hour period. Which is awesome for our laundry situation.