Weight: 7 pounds, 6 ounces. That's right; she's packed on nearly a pound in two weeks. Even so, this still only puts her in the 25th percentile.
Length: She hasn't really grown much in this regard, measuring in at 19.6 inches (up a tenth of an inch) and again, right at the 25th percentile.
Head circumference: 36.2 cm; 70th percentile. To accommodate her exceptionally large brain, no doubt.
Current likes: Her swing, car rides, baths, eating, cuddling.
Current dislikes: Getting her clothes changed, getting buckled into the car seat, waiting to be fed, tummy time.
Things she tolerates: Jacob singing at the top of his lungs in an attempt to wake her up (not that it really works; when she's out, she's out -- just like her daddy); getting her nose suctioned out; diaper changes.
-One-Eyed Jack, for those times when it's just too much effort to open both eyes
-Sleepy Squirrel, after this book
-Velociraptor (from Jacob)/Squeaker (from me), when she makes those adorable squawking noises
-The Fountain, when she not-so-adorably throws up all over herself, her mama, the couch, the bed, etc. We've started having her wear a bib all the time as a precautionary measure, though it really only protects her outfit against the normal spitting up and not the spewing. The pediatrician isn't terribly concerned about these episodes since she's gaining weight and doesn't seem distressed when she does throw up, but we're keeping our fingers crossed that this doesn't indicate a dairy intolerance or acid reflux.
Cute things she does:
-When I put her up to my shoulder to burp her, she wraps her arm around mine and holds on tightly. This is probably a reflex she'll grow out of, along with the palmar grasp reflex. It'll be a sad day when she stops doing those!
-Other times when I put her up to my chest, she'll open her eyes wide, lift up her head, shake it around, and make cackling noises like a crazy person.
-She gets those fake sleepy smiles that we like to pretend are real.
Less cute things she does:
-Throwing up (see above)
-Pooping in the bathtub
-Pooping out of the side of her diaper (though that hasn't been an issue once we ran out of Pampers and switched to Huggies)
Other odds and ends:
-She tends to alternate good nights and bad nights, as far as sleeping goes. On a good night, she'll fall asleep right away and wake up twice to eat (granted, it takes an hour to feed her, burp her, change her, and feed and burp her again). On a bad night, once the previous hour of feeding takes place, she's wide awake and will fuss as soon as I put her down. This leads to me rocking her or holding her until she either gets sleepy enough to be set down or her fussing wakes up Jacob, who will take over to let me get some shut-eye.
-She can fall asleep in her Rock 'n' Play by herself if she's drowsy enough and I leave my lamp on. If I put her down drowsy and then turn off my lamp, she's suddenly wide awake and wants to be held again. So I've taken to leaving my light on until I'm sure she's asleep, which is probably just setting us up for a future of being a slave to a nightlight or something like that.
-She really doesn't get fussy during the day, which is awesome. Perhaps I shouldn't say such things, lest I jinx myself, but she really is a good baby. Very relaxed and chill most of the time.
-She's becoming more alert for longer stretches of time, and she loves to stare into your soul. Alternately, she loves to stare into the souls of the couch or the lamp. Jacob held a staring contest with her the other night (he won, but it was a close battle).
-Her eyes seem to be taking on a lighter shade of blue, and her hair is much lighter at the roots, which makes me wonder if she'll end up blonde or a light brunette. I've also found three short hairs around, so it's possible she's shedding and will end up with a bald spot. How fashionable!