How far along? 38 weeks.
Size of baby: She's probably put on another four ounces or so since last week and is the same length as before. She may be the size of a pumpkin, which I find hard to believe. My doctor said she's measuring around the 47th percentile for most of the measurements from the ultrasound, except for her abdomen, which is in the 20th percentile, and her head, which is in the 74th percentile. So we're going to have a skinny baby with a big head?
Sleep: Aaaand we're back to waking up in the middle of the night to use the loo. Also, waking up at 5:30 for work is a thing of the past. These days I'm lucky to roll out of bed by 6:10.
Total weight gain: About +22 pounds.
Unglamorous body changes: I've noticed some skin tags in a couple spots on my body that definitely weren't there a few months ago. Fingers crossed that they go away on their own.
Best moment this week: This week has kind of dragged, to be honest. Does making it to the weekend count as the best moment? Oh, yesterday Jacob and I watched Cool Runnings, which was fun. I requested it from the library before the Olympics started in hopes of celebrating even further, but apparently everyone else in the library system had the same idea, so we didn't get the movie until this week.
Movement: I think she had the hiccups earlier today. No other changes from before, really.
Food cravings/aversions: Perhaps ice cream. I wish I had some right this moment!
Symptoms: My stomach has been itchy and I've been more tired lately. On a happier note, heartburn hasn't really been much of an issue this week. I thiiink I've been having some contractions on and off, but I'm not exactly sure what those are supposed to feel like. Sharp cramps in the nether regions? Lower back pain? If so, I've got 'em. My fingers have been swollen; I haven't been able to take off my ring all week.
Currently looking forward to: A snack of sorts. I'm feeling peckish.
Realization of the week: This baby could come any day now! I've been counting down the days of school in terms of how many "wake ups" there are -- this morning, I thought "ten more wake ups (of school days) until my due date!", since waking up is the hardest part of the day. And then I realized that I'm going to be waking up a lot more frequently and feeling a lot more tired in the very near future.
Sleep: Aaaand we're back to waking up in the middle of the night to use the loo. Also, waking up at 5:30 for work is a thing of the past. These days I'm lucky to roll out of bed by 6:10.
Total weight gain: About +22 pounds.
Unglamorous body changes: I've noticed some skin tags in a couple spots on my body that definitely weren't there a few months ago. Fingers crossed that they go away on their own.
Best moment this week: This week has kind of dragged, to be honest. Does making it to the weekend count as the best moment? Oh, yesterday Jacob and I watched Cool Runnings, which was fun. I requested it from the library before the Olympics started in hopes of celebrating even further, but apparently everyone else in the library system had the same idea, so we didn't get the movie until this week.
Movement: I think she had the hiccups earlier today. No other changes from before, really.
Food cravings/aversions: Perhaps ice cream. I wish I had some right this moment!
Symptoms: My stomach has been itchy and I've been more tired lately. On a happier note, heartburn hasn't really been much of an issue this week. I thiiink I've been having some contractions on and off, but I'm not exactly sure what those are supposed to feel like. Sharp cramps in the nether regions? Lower back pain? If so, I've got 'em. My fingers have been swollen; I haven't been able to take off my ring all week.
Currently looking forward to: A snack of sorts. I'm feeling peckish.
Realization of the week: This baby could come any day now! I've been counting down the days of school in terms of how many "wake ups" there are -- this morning, I thought "ten more wake ups (of school days) until my due date!", since waking up is the hardest part of the day. And then I realized that I'm going to be waking up a lot more frequently and feeling a lot more tired in the very near future.
Milestones: I've finished most of my sub plans! I've had to stay at school until almost 5 the last two days, I met with the sub after school today and went over how I generally run things and the locations of my teacher manuals and copies and such. He should be able to cover for me in a pinch, even though I'm not completely finished with plans.
Other tidbits: At my doctor's appointment on Wednesday, I was 3 cm dilated, 80% effaced, and baby girl was at a -2 station. He said I might not make it to my next appointment. We'll see if that's the case! I keep thinking things like, "If I'm like my sister, I'll have this baby by Wednesday. If I'm like Sister So-and-So, I'll be a week overdue." I suppose we ought to pack our hospital bag just in case.
Other tidbits: At my doctor's appointment on Wednesday, I was 3 cm dilated, 80% effaced, and baby girl was at a -2 station. He said I might not make it to my next appointment. We'll see if that's the case! I keep thinking things like, "If I'm like my sister, I'll have this baby by Wednesday. If I'm like Sister So-and-So, I'll be a week overdue." I suppose we ought to pack our hospital bag just in case.