Friday, March 28, 2014

How far along? 38 weeks. 
Size of baby: She's probably put on another four ounces or so since last week and is the same length as before. She may be the size of a pumpkin, which I find hard to believe. My doctor said she's measuring around the 47th percentile for most of the measurements from the ultrasound, except for her abdomen, which is in the 20th percentile, and her head, which is in the 74th percentile. So we're going to have a skinny baby with a big head? 
Sleep: Aaaand we're back to waking up in the middle of the night to use the loo. Also, waking up at 5:30 for work is a thing of the past. These days I'm lucky to roll out of bed by 6:10.
Total weight gain: About +22 pounds.
Unglamorous body changes: I've noticed some skin tags in a couple spots on my body that definitely weren't there a few months ago. Fingers crossed that they go away on their own.
Best moment this week: This week has kind of dragged, to be honest. Does making it to the weekend count as the best moment? Oh, yesterday Jacob and I watched Cool Runnings, which was fun. I requested it from the library before the Olympics started in hopes of celebrating even further, but apparently everyone else in the library system had the same idea, so we didn't get the movie until this week.
Movement: I think she had the hiccups earlier today. No other changes from before, really.
Food cravings/aversions: Perhaps ice cream. I wish I had some right this moment!
Symptoms: My stomach has been itchy and I've been more tired lately. On a happier note, heartburn hasn't really been much of an issue this week. I thiiink I've been having some contractions on and off, but I'm not exactly sure what those are supposed to feel like. Sharp cramps in the nether regions? Lower back pain? If so, I've got 'em. My fingers have been swollen; I haven't been able to take off my ring all week.
Currently looking forward to: A snack of sorts. I'm feeling peckish. 
Realization of the week: This baby could come any day now! I've been counting down the days of school in terms of how many "wake ups" there are -- this morning, I thought "ten more wake ups (of school days) until my due date!", since waking up is the hardest part of the day. And then I realized that I'm going to be waking up a lot more frequently and feeling a lot more tired in the very near future. 
Milestones: I've finished most of my sub plans! I've had to stay at school until almost 5 the last two days, I met with the sub after school today and went over how I generally run things and the locations of my teacher manuals and copies and such. He should be able to cover for me in a pinch, even though I'm not completely finished with plans.
Other tidbits: At my doctor's appointment on Wednesday, I was 3 cm dilated, 80% effaced, and baby girl was at a -2 station. He said I might not make it to my next appointment. We'll see if that's the case! I keep thinking things like, "If I'm like my sister, I'll have this baby by Wednesday. If I'm like Sister So-and-So, I'll be a week overdue." I suppose we ought to pack our hospital bag just in case. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

How far along? 37 weeks. 
Size of baby: Yesterday I had an ultrasound which estimated that she's 6.2 pounds (or possibly 6 pounds, 2 ounces). I asked the tech if she could tell how long she is, but apparently that isn't possible since she's all curled up. What I should have asked is how big her head is. (And she should be the size of a winter melon, whatever that means.)
Sleep: I get tired relatively early. The quality of sleep has been about the same, but I've had a hard time waking up in the morning this week. 
Total weight gain: +21 pounds.
Unglamorous body changes: Half of my belly button seems to pop out, depending on how I'm sitting. 
Best moment this week: Quite a few good things happened this week, actually. Monday Jacob and I had dinner with my former roommate and her family. Wednesday was our Pinterest party, which we altered into a movie night with lots of delicious snacks and a chick flick. Yesterday we had an ultrasound, and while we weren't able to get the clearest images since baby girl is so crowded, we were able to see that she has a fair amount of hair and that everything still seems to be developing correctly. Today my work threw me a baby shower and we received a baby swing in addition to some other great things. 
Movement: She doesn't kick so much as squirm these days. She's running out of room, and I often try to push her out of my ribs. 
Food cravings/aversions: Just food in general. Junk food, when it's available. 
Symptoms: Heartburn, of course. An achey back now and again. Pain in the nether regions which makes me suspect I am very much going to take them up on that epidural, given the chance. 
Currently looking forward to: A slice of leftover baby shower cake. I don't even usually like cake. But here we are. 
Realization of the week: I continue to be amazed by the generosity of others. I hope one day to be in a position where I can be just as generous to somebody else. 
Milestones: I'm now considered full term! This baby could potentially come any day now. Though I do hope she'll wait until my sub plans are finished. (I have started them, finally. But just barely.)
Other tidbits: Everyone keeps asking if we've picked a name yet. No, no we have not. I was under the impression that we had narrowed it down to two names, but yesterday Jacob suggested that we think of other names to consider. I don't think we'll have a name until after she's born. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

How far along? 36 weeks. 
Size of baby: Now the size of a honeydew, she's anywhere from 17.2 to over 19 inches long and 4.2 and 6.5 pounds. It depends on which source of information you trust. And, you know, variation among babies at this stage. 
Sleep: Through the power of a Christmas miracle (and possibly through limiting fluid intake in the evening), I've actually been able to have a few nights this week where I didn't have to get up to go to the bathroom. Of course, those nights I still woke up at least once or twice to roll over. Apparently I no longer have the ability to shift positions in my sleep.
Total weight gain: Still about +20 pounds. Maybe more like +20.5.
Unglamorous body changes: Oh, the hangnails!
Best moment this week: Today I had the day off work to compensate for staying late Wednesday and Thursday for Parent Teacher Conferences, so that was glorious. And just a little while ago we had some friends over to celebrate Pi Day. We sang "American Pie" (well, the wives did; afterward the husbands sang along to the Weird Al Star Wars version) and had some delicious definitely-not-homemade chocolate pie. 
Movement: Last night in bed I had my stomach against Jacob's back as we were falling asleep. After a while, Jacob told me to tell the baby to stop kicking because he could feel it and it was keeping him awake. The impressive (?) thing is that I hadn't even noticed she was moving until he mentioned that. I suppose I'm getting used to her movements if that's the case. 
Food cravings/aversions: Cookie dough. I've found a couple of eggless recipes for cookie dough and I'm so tempted to make a batch and eat it straight.
Symptoms: Nesting has kicked into gear. Today we set up the Pack 'n' Play, installed the car seat (although we still need to get it inspected by a car seat technician), assembled the stroller, and did a fair amount of cleaning. And I still ended up getting angsty about how much work we still have to do before the baby room is ready. I've also been a little more tired and my lower back has been hurting off and on. 
Currently looking forward to: Cleaning out the closets and finishing the baby's room. As well as finishing (which requires starting) my sub plans. When those things are done, I'll feel much more prepared for this baby's arrival!
Realization of the week: The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. (Why yes, I did have to Google that quote to remember its entirety.)
Milestones: We have four weeks left until my due date. Which means only 20 days of school (assuming I don't go over). That's crazy talk! At my doctor's appointment today, we discovered that baby girl is indeed head down, and I'm about 50% effaced and 1/2 centimeter dilated. So it doesn't look like I'll be going into labor anytime soon, which is fine by me.
Other tidbits: My coworker gave me a gift on March 11th to celebrate the fact that my due date was exactly one month away. One, that was very thoughtful and generous of her, and two, I'm impressed she remembered I only had a month left on that date!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

How far along? 35 weeks 1 day. 
Size of baby: Now the size of a coconut, she may be up to 18 inches and 6 pounds. 
Sleep: I've given up on the idea of getting a full night's sleep until after baby girl arrives and is also able to sleep through the night. Which might not be for ages. My bladder just doesn't have the capacity to make it more than five or six hours without being emptied.
Total weight gain: +20 or so pounds.
Unglamorous body changes: I've been in denial, but I think my linea nigra (the darkening vertical line of skin on the belly) is starting to make an appearance. Also, this isn't necessarily unglamorous, but I do believe I'm producing colostrum (TMI?). 
Best moment this week: Not having school yesterday was nice. And I think I've finished report cards, so that's good. 
Movement: Oh, nothing new to report in this area. I've noticed increased movement after eating cold foods and beverages, and she still moves mostly while I'm laying down. And she still crowds my ribs several times a day.
Food cravings/aversions: Nothing, really.
Symptoms: I'm a little more tired than usual. Sometimes I get a little light-headed and/or headache-y. 
Currently looking forward to: Being done with Parent-Teacher Conferences. Wednesday and Thursday are going to be long days. 
Realization of the week: Recently Jacob has been asking more questions about baby girl's pending arrival, such as what we need to bring to the hospital and what else we need to get ready before she comes. I'm glad I have such a supportive husband, and I know he's going to be a great dad!
Milestones: Last Saturday Jacob and I parked in a "Reserved for Expectant Mothers" parking spot for the first time. I was wearing a sweatshirt and made an effort to stick out my stomach just in case other patrons suspected us of abusing the privilege.
Other tidbits: We assembled our crib last weekend! If we have time today, we might work on the baby's room some more and possibly install the carseat. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

How far along? 34 weeks 2 days. 
Size of baby: She may be about 17.5 inches long and up to 5.5 pounds. She's the size of a butternut squash.
Sleep: The quality of sleep has definitely declined this week. I'm sure part of it has been due to my cold, but every night I've woken up at least once (which means more like two or three times) because I couldn't breathe or because I was thirsty or because I had to relieve my bladder. A couple times I've been in bed by 9 or 9:30, and at least I did feel more rested the following mornings. Last Saturday night was the worst of all, though -- I started getting heartburn around 7:30 in the evening, and antacid tablets didn't help at all. It lasted basically until 6:30 in the morning, and I slept maaaybe two or three hours because of it. Jacob gave me a blessing when he got home from work, and I was able to sleep another few hours afterward. But it was pretty miserable.
Total weight gain: I haven't been on a scale in at least two weeks.
Unglamorous body changes: My face has been extra oily this week. 
Best moment this week: Friday Jacob and I went on a date to Pizza Pie Cafe and then came home and watched How to Train Your Dragon. It was delightful.
Movement: I now feel her moving more towards my back than my belly, which makes me suspect she's turned around somehow (I still can't visualize her location in relation to me). It's a little strange feeling movements along my intestines. This also means I don't see her movements from the outside as often. 
Food cravings/aversions: Nothing in particular. 
Symptoms: Oh, you know. Heartburn. Thankfully, it hasn't been as bad the last few days. My lower back gets achey more often, and I've had some intermittent pain in the right side of my stomach, which kind of feels like a pulled muscle or something. I've been getting some mild headaches in the afternoons, but they haven't been too bad. And I've been getting hot flashes. Lest anyone get the wrong idea, overall I'm doing really well. I don't want to seem like a whinerpants when really this pregnancy has been quite easy.
Currently looking forward to: Going to bed early tonight. And I'm crossing my fingers that I can actually sleep through the night.
Realization of the week: A few weeks ago I had a dream that I went into labor while on a field trip. This week I learned that we're now signed up for a field trip on April 8th -- 3 days before my due date. Oh, how I hope this dream doesn't come true! Jacob thinks I should opt out of going. I don't think I have that power unless I've already given birth. But I definitely need to get a plan in place "just in case".
Milestones: During the Worst Heartburn Episode Ever, around 3:30 in the morning, I had the thought "I don't want to be pregnant anymore!" for the first time. And then I felt immediately guilty because I'm incredibly grateful to even have this opportunity to be pregnant, and I know of others who desperately wish that they had this chance, too.
Other tidbits: Baby girl can now start recognizing and reacting to songs that I sing. Apparently, she may find some of those songs soothing after birth. Which makes me reconsider singing along to the radio when gems such as "Poker Face" come on.