Size of baby: The size of a durian fruit (which I had to Google, because I don't think I've ever heard of it before), she's now about 17 inches long and 5 pounds.
Sleep: Well, I've had to get up in the middle of the night almost every day this week to use the loo, so there's that. This morning Jacob put his arm around my belly to cuddle, and after about three minutes of that I had to move his arm off because it was squishing me and 'twas all sorts of uncomfortable. Once I get out of bed in the morning, I feel slightly off-balance as well. And of course, by the time 10:00 rolls around I'm yawning and exhausted, but I've had to force myself to stay awake to finish watching the Olympics. Priorities.
Total weight gain: I don't know. I'm trying not to worry about it too much.
Unglamorous body changes: I can no longer see my toes when I stand up straight and look down. Jacob said that my belly has become a weapon (I maaaay or may not have bumped into him multiple times in a short period of time.) Shaving my legs has definitely become a more complicated endeavor. (Not that I shave more than once a week, anyway . . . )My belly button has recently become a fascination with Jacob as well, who wants to Pillsbury me every chance he gets.
Best moment this week: Oh, this week has been full of excitement. I had my baby shower on Saturday (which deserves a post of its own), and that was a lot of fun. I used a voucher I received for Christmas to get a massage on Monday, and our crib arrived on Tuesday. We still haven't assembled it, but our neighbor used his truck to help us donate a bunch of stuff to DI -- including an organ which was taking up far too much space -- and Jacob rearranged the furniture in our living room so it's more open. (Next step: acquiring a wireless adapter for our computer so we can move it to the living room and make room for the crib.) And today, Jacob and I received some news we've been waiting for ages to hear! But . . . I'm not allowed to share it on the Internets yet. You may tingle with anticipation.
Movement: She continues to enjoy wedging herself behind my ribs. She also gets more active after I've had some sugar. Imagine that.
Food cravings/aversions: No real cravings, but I have definitely indulged in my share of chocolate this week.
Symptoms: Heartburn has returned with a vengeance, and this time it doesn't even have the courtesy of waiting until the evening or after a meal to strike. The phrase "lightning crotch" also comes to mind these days. Not frequently, but when it does . . . ouch. I may or may not have yelped this evening after one such episode, which caused Jacob some alarm.
Currently looking forward to: Finding my Blistex. I haven't seen it in days, and my lips are parched!
Realization of the week: Our apartment is definitely not baby-proof. At least we'll have a few months to get it in order before she gets mobile.
Sleep: Well, I've had to get up in the middle of the night almost every day this week to use the loo, so there's that. This morning Jacob put his arm around my belly to cuddle, and after about three minutes of that I had to move his arm off because it was squishing me and 'twas all sorts of uncomfortable. Once I get out of bed in the morning, I feel slightly off-balance as well. And of course, by the time 10:00 rolls around I'm yawning and exhausted, but I've had to force myself to stay awake to finish watching the Olympics. Priorities.
Total weight gain: I don't know. I'm trying not to worry about it too much.
Unglamorous body changes: I can no longer see my toes when I stand up straight and look down. Jacob said that my belly has become a weapon (I maaaay or may not have bumped into him multiple times in a short period of time.) Shaving my legs has definitely become a more complicated endeavor. (Not that I shave more than once a week, anyway . . . )My belly button has recently become a fascination with Jacob as well, who wants to Pillsbury me every chance he gets.
Best moment this week: Oh, this week has been full of excitement. I had my baby shower on Saturday (which deserves a post of its own), and that was a lot of fun. I used a voucher I received for Christmas to get a massage on Monday, and our crib arrived on Tuesday. We still haven't assembled it, but our neighbor used his truck to help us donate a bunch of stuff to DI -- including an organ which was taking up far too much space -- and Jacob rearranged the furniture in our living room so it's more open. (Next step: acquiring a wireless adapter for our computer so we can move it to the living room and make room for the crib.) And today, Jacob and I received some news we've been waiting for ages to hear! But . . . I'm not allowed to share it on the Internets yet. You may tingle with anticipation.
Movement: She continues to enjoy wedging herself behind my ribs. She also gets more active after I've had some sugar. Imagine that.
Food cravings/aversions: No real cravings, but I have definitely indulged in my share of chocolate this week.
Symptoms: Heartburn has returned with a vengeance, and this time it doesn't even have the courtesy of waiting until the evening or after a meal to strike. The phrase "lightning crotch" also comes to mind these days. Not frequently, but when it does . . . ouch. I may or may not have yelped this evening after one such episode, which caused Jacob some alarm.
Currently looking forward to: Finding my Blistex. I haven't seen it in days, and my lips are parched!
Realization of the week: Our apartment is definitely not baby-proof. At least we'll have a few months to get it in order before she gets mobile.
Milestones: She's keeping her eyes open while she's awake now, and the bones of her skull are formed. She's also going through more major brain development, and she's coordinating breathing with sucking and swallowing. Also, in four weeks I'll be considered full term, which kind of blows my mind. Less than 50 days until my due date.
Other tidbits: I think I'm starting to get a cold. Bah humbag.
Other tidbits: I think I'm starting to get a cold. Bah humbag.