Friday, January 3, 2014

How far along? 26 weeks. 
Size of baby: Now the size of a head of lettuce, she's about 14 inches long and weighs just under two pounds.
Sleep: Again, the pattern of waking up in the middle of the night continues. Usually it's because I'm sooo thirsty. I've taken to keeping a water bottle on my nightstand, and a couple of nights it's been nearly completely drained by the time I've woken up for the day. On a related note, I've woken up all sweaty and gross several times this week as well. I'm not sure if that's due to the "heater effect" of the baby finally kicking in (in which case, I wish it would be in effect during the day, too, when I'm all bundled up in multiple layers), or the fact that I go to bed with multiple blankets.
Total weight gain: +13 lbs. I've decided to go by my pre-IVF weight, not the weight my OB first recorded. It's less frightening that way.
Unglamorous body changes: My chilblains have gotten out of hand this week. My poor toes.
Best moment this week: On Monday Jacob and I went on a date to an Octapella concert, and then afterward we hit up Applebee's for half-off appetizers. Apparently 2013 was the year of concerts for us. We went nearly 4 years together without ever going to a concert, and then we went to three in the space of two months. Runner up belongs to New Year's Eve: we met up with my brother- and sister-in-law and their kids at a mall to hang out while they're in Utah, and then we went to Heather's house to ring in the new year with a movie, games, and delicious foodstuffs.
Movement: This may sound strange, but last Saturday I did prenatal yoga for the first time in probably a month, and then the next morning I didn't even look pregnant anymore. Along with that, the baby's movements were a lot less noticeable, which made me a little nervous. It's possible that the yoga really did "increase space for the growing baby", like the instructor says, and that my uterus moved more toward my back or something. Or maybe it's all in my head. Anyway, while her movements aren't quite as strong as they were last week, from the way my belly was spasming last night, I think baby girl had the hiccups. Aw. She takes after me. I could feel her movements on both the right and left side of my belly, which was a first for me. 
Maternity clothes: I wore a couple maternity tops from my cousin this week, not because I needed them, necessarily, but because her clothes are cuter than mine.
Food cravings/aversions: Not a food item, but I can't get enough water. Is excessive thirst a symptom of diabetes? I want to say I read a book where it was. Hopefully I don't have it! I guess I'll find out in a few weeks.
Symptoms: I had heartburn a few nights this week -- not necessarily a burning feeling in my chest, but more like an acid taste at the back of my throat. And my back has been a little achey here and there. Still, can't complain. 
Currently looking forward to: Getting the second bedroom ready for baby. It has a loooong way to go. 
Realization of the week: Going through the struggle of infertility has been by far the hardest thing I've been through thus far. But looking back, we're in such a better position to bring a baby into this world now than we were three years ago. Our relationship is stronger, and we're much more financially secure. If I had gotten pregnant when we first started trying, I never would have even looked for a teaching position, and Jacob would've been the sole provider all this time. I suppose there would've been no need to get a second car or to pay for IVF, but things definitely would have been tight. 
Milestones: At 26 weeks, baby girl has approached viability -- meaning, should I go into labor today (heaven forbid), she would have an 80 to 90 percent shot at surviving. This also means that Jacob and I no longer qualify to get any money back from our IVF cycle -- had I given birth yesterday, we would've received a portion back with the guarantee plan we paid for. Keep the money, I say! I'll take a healthy baby instead, thanks.
Other tidbits: Costco has a coupon out for diapers and wipes, so yesterday Jacob and I bought two boxes of each, for a total of close to 400 diapers and 2,250 wipes. We had a debate over which sizes to get -- two boxes of size one or a box each of size one and two? -- which was settled with a phone call to my sister. (In case you're burning with curiosity, we bought a box of each, since we don't know how big baby girl will be or how fast she'll grow.) So, while we still need to get newborn size diapers, we should have the essentials covered -- right? Carseat, stroller, pack and play, diapers, clothes. Never mind the fact that everything is still packaged up in boxes or bags.

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